Interested in touring an Optima Living community?
Book a TourThe future of later life is exciting! Scientists and innovators are improving senior living every day, and Optima Living wants to keep you informed. Watch our webinar with Dr. Zayna Khayat—author of The Future of Aging—and Optima Living Principal Ali Shivji as we discuss the great things in store for seniors. Agency is the name of the game.
Find it on our YouTube channel!
To learn more about Dr. Zayna Khayat's work in the senior living sector, please visit these resources. - A lifestyle destination that inspires daughters and sons to live well while caring for their aging parents.
The Future of Aging - Co-authored by SE Health and Idea Couture, the Future of Aging book presents answers and opportunities to rich and provocative questions related to aging.
The Future of Ageing: Pandemic Edition - A 6-part blog series reflecting on the Future of Aging book and how the themes and shifts in each of the five chapters have changed (or not) in the context of the pandemic.